What is Family Therapy?

Family therapy, sometimes called family counseling or systemic therapy, involves working with multiple members of a family unit simultaneously to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen relationships. This approach recognizes that issues within the family system can contribute to individual problems. You will find it is typical when working with children that therapists will provide a combination of individual and family sessions. Family therapists help members understand each other's perspectives, recognize unhealthy patterns of interaction, and develop healthier ways of relating to one another. The focus is not just on the individual but on the dynamics and functioning of the family as a whole.

In family therapy, the therapist guides discussions and exercises that encourage each member to express their thoughts and feelings openly. This process fosters empathy and understanding among family members, promoting a collaborative effort to reach shared objectives. Family therapy is beneficial for addressing a range of issues such as parenting challenges, grief, and major life transitions. The goal is to create a supportive and harmonious family environment where everyone feels heard, valued, and understood.

man carrying baby boy and kissing on cheek
man carrying baby boy and kissing on cheek