Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds produced by Tibetan and Crystal Bowls

As these sounds are harmonized with Gongs, Peruvian Rattles, and Shamanic Drumming – The vibrational energy surrounds you providing a relaxing meditative state, opening consciousness, allowing deeper relaxation, and grounding.

How long has this idea been around? Tibetan singing bowls can be dated to as early as 2500 BC and the crystal bowls date back to ancient Tibetan and Egyptian times. Sounds have been used for thousands of years from times when monks would chant to the ocean waves. Indians use rattles to restore balance between mind and body. The drum is said to be the heartbeat of Mother Earth, uniting all creation.

Sound Bath sessions can last 45 to 90 minutes and are performed for groups or individuals.

Bring your map, pillow, blanket, water, comfortable clothing, and an open mind.

My name is John Gruenberg. I grew up in South Florida where I frequently traveled to Central and South America and fed my hunger for Spiritual Practices in the mountains of Peru and Ecuador. I always felt there were many modalities and ways to go about spiritual practices. I became interested in Sound and Vibration at an early age during my travels. Later, I became a Reiki and Sound Bath Meditation Practitioner. In addition to expanding my collection of sound and vibrational instruments, my current fascinations include Shamanic Reiki and Drum Medicine.

My day job and another hobby (Hot Air Ballooning) have allowed me to live in Florida, Virginia, and Colorado where I met my fiancée who is a Native of Las Cruces. After being away from Cruces, we decided to return and be closer to family and share our lives with them. I have lived here for a year now and love the friendly people and openness.

In Las Cruces, I perform weekly Sound Baths at work as well as at Mesilla Valley Hospice.

During a Sound Bath, it is typical for folks to lie down (Yoga mat, pillow, blanket). It is not uncommon for participants to quickly go into a deep meditative or sleep state. I recommend bringing a water bottle to your sessions; since our bodies are over 70% water, the sound/vibration will give your body a workout, and staying hydrated and comfortable is key. A Sound Bath is different from other forms of meditation or relaxation. One might be inclined to read a book while attending, but most find it beneficial to lay still and remain quiet. Helping your mind to release any negativity and thoughts. Like Monks chanting, any other outside stimulus could prevent you from enjoying the full experience. Let this be the most enlightening time you allow yourself to relax and expand.

I am thrilled to offer you this Sound Bath opportunity and honored to be part of your spiritual journey.



Sound Bath Meditation

Reiki Infused Sound Bath

Upcoming Dates: 4/13/24 & 4/18/24

Doors open at 6:00 pm, Meditation begins at 6:30 pm

Elevate Your Wellness with Transformative Reiki Infused Sound Bath Meditations
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